Reviews from Notable Readers
Dr. George Pratt is a true modern-day healer, and what he and his colleague, Dr. Peter Lambrou, have created in the pages you are about to read is a brilliant formula for tapping into our highest potential. It will change many people’s lives for the better.
— Larry King, from the Foreword
Code to Joy draws you in to a new way of thinking and being and eliminates that fog of distress that haunts so many. Dr. Pratt is a master clinician and skilled story-teller whose work will guide you to a happier, more joyful life. I highly recommend it.
— Daniel G. Amen, M.D., author of the
New York Times bestseller Change Your Brain, Change Your Life
Read this book if you want to feel happier, work better, play harder, and live life more fully— and do it all fast.
— Jack Canfield, Co-author of the
The Success Principles
I love the powerful work George and Peter are doing. I’ve seen it touch people’s lives-even change people’s lives. Code to Joy is more than a book, it’s an inspiring, enlightening journey to connect with your true self and be the loving being you were created to be.
— Common, Grammy Award-winning recording artist, actor (American Gangster, Happy Feet Two), author and philanthropist
I love the work of George Pratt and Peter Lambrou. The work is cutting-edge, world-class, and as powerful as it is simple. Dr. Pratt is part of a very small group of people that I know that are able to get at the heart of whatever is holding you back from being your best, having amazing performance, and truly loving your life. If you’re not already living in a constant natural state of happiness, you need this book!
— John Assaraf, New Your Times Bestselling Author, The Answer and Having It All. Featured in the Blockbuster Movie The Secret
My call is that it’s an excellent book. At the very least, you’ll find it to be a fascinating explanation as to how the mind works (and can play some devastating tricks on us) and, at best — if you are willing to invest the time and energy in following their instructions — you could make some hugely positive changes in your life.
— Bob Burg, Author of The Go-Giver
Drs. Lambrou and Pratt’s work has had a fabulous impact on my life.
— Ken Blanchard, Ph.D., coauthor of the
#1 national bestseller The One Minute Manager
George Pratt is one of the most gifted healers on the planet today. His work has touched my life and the lives of those throughout my global community.
— Debbie Ford, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse
One of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century was the intimate connection between body, mind, and spirit. Drs. Pratt and Lambrou are on the cutting edge, turning that discovery into techniques that work. If you want to experience more joy and fulfillment, pick up a copy of Code to Joy. It could change your life.
— Larry Dossey, M.D., New York Times bestselling author
of Reinventing Medicine and The Power of Premonitions
When I was twenty-five years old I went to see Dr. George Pratt, and it changed my life. George’s work is the reason behind everything I have and everything I’ve accomplished—and you’ll learn these same tools in the pages of Code to Joy.
— Rob Dyrdek, host of MTV’s Fantasy Factory and Ridiculousness
George Pratt has an amazing gift to help you become the best you can be. He’s had a huge impact on my ability to go further than I thought possible. There is no limit to what you can accomplish when you focus your abilities. Apply what you learn from reading Code to Joy and you’ll prove that to yourself!
— Dara Torres, five-time Olympic champion, author of Age Is Just a Number
Code to Joy is a simple, powerful, scientifically brilliant method for creating authentic happiness from the inside out. And inner happiness is what creates outward success.
— Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times bestselling coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and author of the New York Times bestseller Happy for No Reason
Over a few months of implementing Dr. Pratt’s work, I lost twenty pounds, started a new family, moved into my dream home, created a business model that generated $1,000,000 in gross revenue, and ended a twenty-one-year cycle of heavy drug and alcohol abuse. And the remarkable thing was, it felt like all these things just happened, with no special effort on my part. This work is literally life-changing.
— Frank Kern, legendary Internet marketing guru